Ticket Terms and Conditions
The tour is a “21 plus tour” and the purchaser(s) warrants that they are over 21 years of age and have sufficient government issued identification which does not falsely represent their age. Currently, the only identification accepted on the tour is: United States of America (USA) driver’s license, USA identification cards, international passport or international driver’s license in complete English.
Appropriate clothing must be worn. Dress to impress. For women, this includes: no flip-flops; no running shoes; no Uggs; enclosed shoes must be worn, no graphic tees, no ripped jeans. Cocktail dress, heels or flats are highly suggested. Venue reserves the right to deny entry due to non-compliance of dress code.
Tickets are non-refundable, may not be resold at cost or premium, or used for advertising promotion or other commercial purposes, without our express consent. The purchaser(s) acknowledges that they are not entitled to a refund, replacement ticket or payment for any damages of any kind for any reason whatsoever from Epic Club Crawls LLC, including without limitation, cancellation, shortening or any other alteration to the tour.
The purchaser(s) agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the licensed venues and all directions from Epic Club Crawls LLC and any of its employees or agents or the licensed venue during the tour. The purchaser(s) may be removed from the licensed venue due to non-compliance with any such directions. The purchaser(s) understands that the nature of the tour may have risks and must take care at all times.
The purchaser(s) expressly assumes all risk incidental to the tour, whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual conduct of the tour, including but not limited to driving while intoxicated, physical altercations, mugging, etc., and hereby releases Epic Club Crawls LLC, and any other associated parties including all directors, officers, members, shareholders, owners, affiliates, employees and agents of each of the foregoing from any and all claims arising from the tour.
The purchaser(s) grants Epic Club Crawls LLC the right to use any image of the purchaser(s) in any live or recorded video display or any transmission or reproduction of the tour. All rights to broadcast, record, photograph, repeat, reproduce, or recreate the tour is reserved by Epic Club Crawls LLC. The purchaser(s) agree not to take any action, or cause others to take any action, which would infringe on the rights under this clause of Epic Club Crawls LLC. Any images or sound recordings you take during the tour with personal cameras, videos or audio equipment must only be used for private and domestic purposes and the purchaser(s) agrees that they will not sell, license, broadcast, publish, or otherwise commercially exploit them and in particular make available any footage, sound recording or series of still pictures taken at the event on the internet.
The purchaser(s) agrees and acknowledges that they are responsible for their own safety and for the safety and security of their property that they bring on the tour. The purchaser(s) acknowledges that Epic Club Crawls LLC or the licensee to be visited as part of this tour may refuse the purchaser(s) entry into, or remove them from, the venue if they do not obey these terms and conditions, or interfere with the enjoyment, comfort, or safety of other patrons at the premises or on the tour, or they are generally in breach of any rules or regulations with respect to one’s license to enter such venue.
These ticket conditions may be supplemented by further oral conditions that Epic Club Crawls LLC provides to the purchaser(s) before and during the operation of the tour.
The purchaser(s) acknowledges that Epic Club Crawls LLC has no claims or interest in any license venue and that have no responsibility for the purchaser(s)’s actions nor any actions of the licensee, its employees or agents and the purchaser(s) agrees and acknowledges that upon entry into such licensed venue, one must comply with all rules and conditions imposed by that licensee with respect to one’s entry into those premises.
The purchaser(s) agrees and acknowledges that Epic Club Crawls LLC endorses the responsible service of alcohol and the purchaser(s) agrees to drink responsibly and comply with all rules and regulations imposed by the licensee of each venue with respect to one’s consumption of alcohol in a responsible manner and acknowledge that such rules and regulation are enforced by and monitored by the Las Vegas Metro Police Department and that all actions of the purchaser(s) are subject to the normal laws relating thereto.
The purchaser(s) acknowledges that their purchase of the ticket constitutes their acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement. If this ticket was purchased on your behalf, you warrant that the purchaser acted on your behalf and that you accepted the above terms. If you have purchased this ticket on behalf of other members of a group, you acknowledge that you have acted as the group’s agent and have authority to accept the terms and conditions of this ticket on their behalf.
By purchasing a ticket, purchaser(s) hereby acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the above terms and conditions.